Geirfugl 2015
“I haven‘t heard any stories, you know? People are not talking about it. Maybe just saying something similar like: ‘Yeah, he’s dead like a Dodo.’ ” June 3rd - 1844, the last Great Auk breeding couple was strangled. In 1858, two british ornithologists are however convinced of the survival of this flightless bird on a tiny rocky island, called Geirfugladrangur. As the weather was too bad, they couldn’t sail to the island to prove their theory. This video-work looks into their research.
»I haven't heard any stories, you know? People are not talking about it. Maybe just saying something similar like: ›Yeah, he's dead like a Dodo.‹« 3. Juni 1844, das letzte Brutpaar des Riesenalks wird bei Island erwürgt. Doch 1858 sind zwei britische Ornithologen vom Überleben der flugunfähigen Vogelart, auf der winizigen Felsinsel Geirfugladrangur überzeugt. Da das Wetter zu schlecht ist, können sie ihre Theorie jedoch nicht überprüfen. Dieser Film ist eine Spurensuche.
Video-installation 37:09 min